Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Liebster Award

My first Tag! So I was nominated by Vero from VeroSays  check out her page! She's a beauty blogger, you'll love her!!

The Liebster award is intended to give some exposure to small blogs with less than 200 followers.

The rules are as follows:

-  Link back to the blogger who nominated you.

-  Answer the 11 questions given to you by the blogger who nominated you.

-  Nominate 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers.
-  Go to the blogs you nominated and notify them of your nomination.
-  Give your nominees 11 questions to answer.

The questions I got from Vero:

1. Drugstore or high end nail polish?
I'd have to say drugstore.. I feel like you can find really good nail polish's from your local drugstore for a cheaper price! Some people feel like high end nail polish might work better, but I disagree. I've been able to find really good brands from my local CVS/Walgreens.

2.Favorite Mascara?
I LOVE "The Rocket"  by Maybelline! Its like Six bucks I believe, and I simply adore it. I have black hair, black eyebrows, dark eyes, so "very black" Mascara works the best for me. I only have to apply one coat and it literally makes me eyelashes look 2x longer!

3.Holy grail under eye concealer? 
Bare Minerals Correcting Concealer! Works great!!

4. If you had to wear a full face of one brand what would it be?
Definitely will have be NARS. It can get a little pricey but definitely worth it. Cheaper brands aren't as great!

5. Coffee or tea?
Honestly? Neither! if I really had to choose I'd say tea! But Iced coffee isn't that bad though.

6. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
Ugh, very tough! I would have to say Drinks from Starbucks. Dunkin Donuts has awesome food but the drinks aren't all my favorite but I can honestly say I like 70% of the drinks from Starbucks!!
7. How long have you been blogging? Why did you start?
I've been blogging on and off for about a month. I originally got the idea from my sister-in-law Vero from VeroSays. She introduced me into blogging and it seemed like a great thing to do when your a stay at home mom! I got into it and I love it! I cant blog myself as often as id like but I'm always reading!

8. Apple computer or other?
I'm not too sure about this one.. I have an HP myself and I feel like it works fine! I'm sure an apple computer might be a little better but my computer lets me do what I need to do, therefore I don't mind it.

9. Do you check prices before buying makeup products?
Definitely. As a mother to a newborn, I often have things to buy for him, they grow so quick so I'm always shopping clothes for him, or buying more diapers, wipes, etc. so sometimes I come across products that are $30, $40 and I have to walk away, because I know that with those $30, $40, I can easily buy my son a pack of one hundred and something diapers!

10.Favorite you-tubers and/or bloggers?
I like to look at blogs for product ideas. but I love to look at Youtube for actual tutorials. I'm more of  hands on type of girl so if I see a picture of a product on someone's blog ill look up tutorials on that product on youtube before actually purchasing it, especially if its an expensive product! So my fav Youtuber would have to be SelinaLundstrom, shrutiarjunanand, but my all time favorite is MissMaven! I have to look for people with similar skin complexions so that I know what type of products will work best for my skin tone.

11.What are you looking forward to this month?
This month I am really looking forward to working on finishing all the paperwork I need in order to move over seas with my husband! If you've read my first post, you'll know my husband is active duty in the Air force! so I'm working hard to do everything I have to do in order for my son and I to finally be with him again.

I nominate:

Hope from beautyandbliss
Renny from Sincerlyrenny

Michelle C from beautylifemichelle

Lily from beautywithlily

Rachel from SweetNothings

Shalunya and boyet from shalunyaboyet

Jackie from fivetwocertified

Micaylah from beautifuljewell

i didn't get to tag the 11 bloggers but I don't follow too many people yet! But heres my questions to you girls.

1. Why'd you choose beauty blogging?

2.favorite drug store brand?

3. favorite high-end brand?

4. lip-gloss or lipstick?

5. Do you have any tattoos?

6. Who's your fashion icon?

7. What's your must-have accessory?

8. would you rather spend money on clothes or makeup?

9. If you had to give up any of the beauty products you normally use, which would it be?

10. If you coukld change the opinion of one famous person with your blog, who would it be?

11. Do you have pamper evenings? If so what do you do?

There you have it dolls! let me know what you think and for anyone who answered my questions be sure to let me know so I can read it!

Sealed with a kiss,
Betsy xx